World Oceans Day

Today 8 June is World Oceans Day. The United Nations in fact they have set this date for the celebrations, anniversary of the World Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro del 1992.
This day is therefore the right occasion to reflect, on the importance of the oceans for our planet and their indispensable protection.

world oceans day

The importance of the oceans for the planet earth

Celebrating World Oceans Day is very important to highlight some data to think carefully about. (Source United Nations)
The ocean covers over the 70% of the planet and has a fundamental function for the sustenance of humanity and that of any other organism on earth.
In fact, the ocean produces at least the 50% of the planet's oxygen, it hosts most of Earth's biodiversity and is the main source of protein for over a billion people around the world. It is also crucial for the world economy with approx 40 millions of people employed in ocean industries by 2030.

The critical ecological situation highlighted on World Oceans Day

Despite its importance, however, the situation of the oceans appears to be critical
Indeed 90% of large depleted fish populations and the 50% of coral reefs destroyed, we are taking more from the ocean than can be reconstituted. To protect and preserve the ocean and everything it supports, we need to create a new balance, rooted in a true understanding of the ocean and the way humanity relates to it. We must therefore build a connection with the ocean that is inclusive, innovative and informed by the lessons of the past.

The contribution of CH.I.S.S. srl for the protection of the oceans

CHISS SRL thanks to the Water Waste project can considerably contribute to improving the ecological situation of the oceans. Indeed the industrial structures, adopting a Water Waste S / T system could eliminate the problem of introducing toxic-harmful pollutants due to the discharge of wastewater into the tributaries.
Find out more about the project….. (click here)

Insights into World Oceans Day

United Nations website article The Ocean – Life and livelihoods

World oceans day official website

Website article Institute for Environmental Protection and Research – World Oceans Day

SKY TG 24 – World Oceans Day, what it is and why it is celebrated: the initiatives