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Cold chemical disinfection

Lyses power is the ideal solution for high-level cold chemical disinfection of surfaces and medical devices. It is an energetic disinfectant, cleansing and regenerating suitable on all surfaces and equipment present in the operating block, laboratories, clinics and industrial departments. In fact, it obtains maximum results thanks to the natural advantages of ionic silver as a support in the fight against bacteria, fungi and viruses, and in favoring the persistence of the treatment.

Hydrogen peroxide with AG + ions

The characteristic of the Lyses formulation, for cold chemical disinfection is the concentration of hydrogen peroxide combined with silver in the form of "positively charged" ions and the form of pure particles in "ppm". Its positively charged silver ions, they measure only between 1 and 5 nanometers. The small size of these ions is therefore very important from the point of view of the application of Lyses power atomized in the air, as they improve the antimicrobial / disinfectant properties of ionic silver. Ionic silver, by its positive ions and its pure silver particles, blocks, disables certain enzymes essential for the survival of bacterial pathogens, viral and fungal.

Cold chemical disinfection: Lyses Power
Lyses Power

High efficiency in the elimination of bacteria

The properties obtained from the combination of peroxide and silver ions have been highlighted by the IMSL laboratory- Industrial Microbiological Services LTD, which certifies the efficiency to 99% in eliminating bacteria according to standard ISO 22196.It is an energetic disinfectant, cleansing and regenerating suitable on all surfaces and equipment present in the operating block, laboratories, clinics and industrial departments.

Cold chemical disinfection of medical devices and surfaces with a low level of toxicity

low toxicity chemical disinfectant

Used for cold chemical disinfection Lyses is completely free of toxic effects, not only towards humans but also towards animals and plants. It is therefore a non-toxic product, whose external use is free from contraindications.
Only in the case of the Power formulation, combined with hydrogen peroxide al 12% needs to evaluate the impact of peroxide atomization, determining the reuse time of the treated area with its formulation (about 40 minutes).The formulated at 6% instead is suitable for use even in the presence of minimal people (max 2-3).

Effectiveness of hydrogen peroxide against COVID-19

In report of the’ Higher Institute of Health COVID-19 n. 25/2020, of 15 May 2020 hydrogen peroxide is denoted as an effective treatment for the disinfection of surfaces / environments, designated as an authorized disinfectant. In fact, its biocidal and virucidal action is denoted by vaporization / aerosolization.
Hydrogen peroxide is an active biocidal ingredient approved pursuant to BPR (Biocidal Products Regulation EU 2012), and in the light of the data available in CAR – (Competent Authority Report )- at ECHA it appears that the active principle is effective against numerous microorganisms (battery, yeasts, fungi and viruses). Specifically, regarding viruses, hydrogen peroxide was found to be effective against poliovirus and adenovirus.
The technical-scientific evaluation in this document also demonstrates the effectiveness on a large number of microorganisms and for treatment
of hospital environments hosting virus patients.

Available in two formulations

Lyses Power 12%: fast and effective action, not usable in the presence of people ventilate the room for 40 minutes before re-use.
Lyses 6%: usable more frequently and also suitable for humans (max 2-3 people) immediate reuse of the premises.


FL100LYPLyses Power 12%Pz 6x1LPz 4x1L
FL100LY6Lyses 6%Pz 6x1LPz 4x1L
TK5LLYPLyses Power 12%Pz 2x5L
TK5LLY6Lyses 6%Pz 2x5L

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