Integrated Chemistry Science and Health
Integrated Chemistry Science and Health
CH.I.S.S. s.r.l. is an innovative startup of research and experimental development in the field of natural sciences and engineering and the production of sanitizing chemicals for domestic use and healthcare ".
The company was born to study and propose innovative solutions for the management and control of water and air.
The company organization is characterized by the collaboration of authoritative experts in various scientific sectors and interdisciplinary fields, in order to better take care of the various aspects of the projects.
The recent pandemic situation, prompted the management to proceed with the production of chemical products useful in contrasting the infection.
The company's activity is mainly aimed at the reworking and development of laboratory data, considered innovative and exclusive, for the reduction ofCOD (Chemical Oxigen Demand) in wastewater(progetto Water Waste ST)

Main Activity

The excellent result obtained in the laboratory, brought the company's attention to design, development, production and marketing of an innovative plant for the reduction of COD (Chemical Oxigen Demand) in wastewater contaminated with pollutants surfactants. This plant was called Water Waste ST. It is in fact able to contribute significantly to this very critical aspect for the environment, thanks to its amazing Space / Time action.
This technology can be a significant ecological innovation in the civil sector, agricultural and industrial.
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Complementary activities to research and development
Given the skills and knowledge present within the company, Chiss processed a series of environmental hygiene products with particular attention to the fight against the persistence of COVID19 on surfaces or in a controlled environment.
The company also provides various types of consultancy, available in the section "Scientific services”. The company is in fact assisted by a scientific Committee which involves the following professionalisms: nuclear physics, environmental engineering, biological engineering, maths, neuroscience, commercial law.

Company certifications CHISS research and development
CHISS srl achieved on 04/05/2021 ISO certification 9001 : 2015. Certificate n 2512.
The authoritative bodyQuaser Certifications has in fact verified the organization's management system compliant with the international standard.
The certification was issued for "Research and experimental development in the field of natural sciences and engineering" codeIAF 34 and “Production of sanitizing chemicals for domestic and sanitary use” codeIAF 12.
This certification is undoubtedly an important guarantee of quality for the company's customers.