Scientific Committee

The Scientific Committee of Chiss is a commission made up of experts in various sectors. It carries out representative functions aimed at both enhancing the image of the company nationally and internationally, and the dissemination of the results achieved in the research activities . In addiction, the scientific committee is responsible for, monitoring company activity and disseminating initiatives in the sectors of interest.
The scientists who make it up, actively operate, performing consultancy functions, guidance and evaluation and participating in the choices relating to the guidelines of the research lines, the verification of the results and the protection of company operations. The projects elaborated by CH.I.S.S.. SRL are in fact subjected to the opinions of these experts

Scientific Committee

The members of the scientific committee

You can view the curriculum of the members of the scientific committee of CH.I.S.S. SRL by clicking on the photos below

Expertise and experience

The Chiss team of scientists therefore offers a work that guarantees competence and professionalism. The great experience in the various subjects also allows us to provide a variety of services at a high level. If you are interested in getting more information you can contact the company.