ANV6 Sixth Edition of the Assisi Nel Vento conference


ANV6 Sixth Edition Assisi In The Wind

ANV6 Press Release

With Prayer of Diffusion.

With the Apertura report on San Bernardino on the Camino de Santiago

and the path of matter in geological eras,

Saturday 28 August at 10 in the Room of the Perfect Letizia of the Domus Pacis,

the sixth meeting in Assisi in the Wind begins,

which will have as its title the typical greeting of the pilgrims of San Jacopo di Compostella ‘Ultreya e Suseya’ and subtitle:

On and on along the path of matter and spirit.

ANV6 Saturday Afternoon on Dante

All 16.30 it begins Dante's afternoon at the Teatro delle Stuoie with reports on Dante's purgatory and Dante in the Epoca books (also a curious translation of hell into Neapolitan)

following, at 18, give one recital, Dante Hope, on the XXX canto of the purgatory and the XXV canto of the Paradise,

who will see engaged the actors Mirko Liodori, Marta Porchetti, Claudio Pace and Giovanni Mancini

accompanied by string quartet by Lucia Di Veroli (Antonio Metelli, Elisa and Matteo Ciuffetti).

ANV6 Sunday from the exhibition of paintings to the Franciscan dinner

Sunday all ore 11.30 the meeting with the painter Marco Muti and his painting interpreted with Dante, which will follow in conference hall, from 15.30 an afternoon of research reports in the fields of medical physics, del biotech, of Lenr and of Creation.

All the events listed above I'm with iFree admission without registration or reservation, but with greenpass because indoors, until exhaustion of seats not reserved for conference attendees and institutional guests.

Aperitif and Medieval Dinner

At the end of the two days, at 19 aperitif and medieval outdoor dinner, weather permitting, in the gardens of the Domus Pacis, 'At dinner with Francesco', with typical Umbrian Franciscan cuisine (per info and costs call all’ Hotel House of Peace 075 804 3530).